Corporate Culture and Leadership in the New Economy

Aligning Vision, Values, Mission and Culture in the New Economy

Corporate culture and leadership are essential in the New Economy. Why? Because in turbulent times it’s imperative that organizations have a clear sense of direction and purpose. Not having everyone on the same page results in chronic organizational dysfunction where employees and departments are working at cross purposes by pursuing conflicting goals. Remember every misalignment …

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The 7 Biggest Leadership Mistakes in The New Economy

leadership mistakes

The new economy has claimed many business casualties in the last few years. Unfortunately most of these casualties have been a result of self-inflicted leadership mistakes. Making mistakes in this tough economy can have devastating results including loss of sales, profits, key employees and customers. This article describes seven leadership mistakes that leaders make that …

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Leadership Lessons From Linsanity


Sports often provides good leadership lessons and this is true for the phenomena known as “Linsanity”. Even casual sports fans have heard about Linsanity the term that refers to the buzz being created by Jeremy Lin the New York Knicks overnight sensation. Lin’s saga is like “Rocky Balboa plays in the NBA” because Lin wasn’t …

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Leadership Makes the Difference

leadership makes the difference

In spite of all the doom and gloom on the news many companies large and small are thriving in the same market spaces that are  claiming former industry leaders. Apple, Michael’s, Ulta, ITW, Honest Tea, Contegix, Convergint Technologies, Information Experts, JD Norman Industries and Foursquare are a few of those that come to mind. What …

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Say Goodbye to the Status Quo

say goodye to the status quo

It’s time to say goodbye to the status quo. In the New Economy you can’t afford to lead by looking in the rear view mirror, holding on to the status quo and doing more of what you’ve always done. (How did that work for Kodak, RIM, and Hostess to name a few?)  Instead stay focused …

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The Five Key Drivers of the New Economy

the five drivers of the new economy

In order to effectively embrace the New Economy you must understand the Five Key Drivers that are responsible for the “constant white water” in which businesses must now operate. Knowing how these drivers impact your business and your customers is essential for developing and implementing business strategies. 1.    The Economy has Become Customer-Centric. Customers today …

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New Rules of Engagement in the New Economy

new rules of engagement in the New Economy

Leading a business in the New Economy isn’t for the faint of heart or indecisive. What most companies have learned is that the New Economy is very unforgiving. Every operational, sales and marketing flaw, mistake and missed opportunity results in companies paying dearly in lost sales, profits and customers. It’s like working for Alec Baldwin’s …

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Welcome to the New Economy!!!

Welcome to the New Economy

If you own or run a business today you know we’re experiencing an economy that is different than anyone has seen in the past. Our current business landscape is filled with one crisis after another. Like waves on a beach they just keep pounding away. Here are a few of the economic “challenges’ we’re facing: …

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Improving Performance: Are You Treating the Symptoms or the Cause?

improving perfromance

Are your initiatives for improving performance treating the symptoms or the cause? Your answer may mean the difference between success and failure of the initiative and maybe your company. Let me explain. A few weeks ago I developed knee pain and went to my orthopedic doctor. After an MRI and some X rays he told …

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Are You Committed to Leading Change?

leading change

A critical measure of success in leading change is your commitment.  Once you’ve weighed the options, given others a chance for input and settled on the best course of action.  You must be resolute, even passionate about your determination to follow through.  If you can’t be excited about where the organization is going, how can …

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