Who We Are:
Spotlight Publishing helps innovative local businesses, professionals, and non profit organizations elevate their personal brand and become recognized industry and local market authorities. Our unique publishing process takes your message center stage by creating the attention and authority needed to inform, motivate, and inspire your target audience. As a published author, you and your message are elevated above the competition. Your book establishes you as the “go to person” in your local market. Our unique publishing process helps local professionals become recognized authorities in as little as 60 days.
Spotlight Publishing is a full service boutique publisher so we can quickly and easily walk you through our process. Starting with developing the concept, to writing, editing, layout, design, publishing and marketing. Most clients complete their book projects in 60 days or less.
Spotlight Publishing books are published on Amazon.com in Kindle, paperback, and hard cover formats.
Why Become a Published Author?:
Here are seven benefits to being a published author:
1. Credibility. Almost over night you become an accredited expert and receive a credibility boost within your industry.
2. Promotional opportunities. Launching and publishing a book gives you instant opportunities to do promotions on your own and with others. Including:
- Press releases opportunities – By sending out releases locally, nationally, and online, you get to LEVERAGE the number of views your story gets.
- Local book-signings – you may have a store you could do this (if you’re a service-based business) at workshops and local business associations.
- Workshops. – Create physical books and sell them at the end of your workshop or presentation.
- Become a guest author or columnist for local and online publications.
- Get booked as a guest for local TV and radio programs.
3. You become a local and/or national celebrity. Becoming an “instant expert” in a niche will brand you in people’s minds as the “go-to” business for your area of expertise.
4. Confidence Builder. 95% of your competitors have never even published an article, let alone a book. Holding your book in your hands will give you a huge boost in confidence – because you’ve done what your competitors only dream about.
6. Pre-qualified customers or clients. Because customers have seen or read your book, they know who you are and what you do. This frees up valuable time to focus on helping them best use your expertise.
7. Legacy. Many people have great ideas that never see the light of day because they never take the time to share them in a meaningful manner. By publishing your great ideas in a book, you ensure that the live on.
What Clients Have to say:
Denise Smith
My name is Denise Smith and I am owner of Smith Physical Therapy and Running Academy located in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
My experience during the project was a fun and pleasant one. Phil made the entire process easy by explaining what would happen step-by-step
The best part of participating in the project was watching it all happen! It was so outside of what I do every day, so it was fascinating to watch a book grow out of an interview and become a best seller!
I would recommend other fitness professional participate in a book project like this because it is good marketing, but it is also an honor to be in the company of other professionals with the same philosophies.
Denise Smith, PT, CMPT
Certified Manual Physical Therapist
Certified Running Technique Specialist
Smith Physical Therapy and Running Academy
Richard Haynes
My name is Richard Haynes and I am the owner of Total Joint Fitness, LLC. located in Bradenton, Florida.
I participated in the Never Too Late for Fitness – Volume One Book Project because I felt it was necessary and vitally important to share my knowledge in both fitness and physical rehabilitation with seniors who are looking for accurate information to help them meet their fitness or physical rehabilitation goals after total joint replacement surgery.
My experience during the project was enlightening and helped me with gaining knowledge and when it comes to writing and publishing material.
The best part of participating in the project was working with Phil as he is highly organized and helped in every step in putting this book together.
I would recommend other fitness professional participate in a book project like this because it helps in giving your experience when it comes to branding your business and the helps in the education of working on ways to build passive income for your business rather than always trading time for money.
Richard Haynes PTA, CPT
Owner of Total Joint Fitness LLC
Bradenton, Florida.
Is a Best-Selling Book in your future? Contact us to discover how fast and easy it is to transform your story into a Best-Selling book.

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