Sales Training Guidelines

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your sales training use these simple but powerful guidelines.

Managers who view training sessions as merely a series of skill and product training exercises will fall short of providing a sales training guidelineswell-rounded training experience.  Salespeople also need feedback on how they’re doing, measures of adequate and maximum performance, and persuading that they’ll benefit from it all in the long run.  In fact, every training session should be structured so as to answer the following six questions for Salespeople:

  • What am I supposed to do?
  • How is the job supposed to be done for maximum effectiveness?
  • What is acceptable performance?
  • How well am I doing?
  • How can I do better?
  • What’s in it for me if I do?

We, therefore, recommend that you follow the Seven-Step Sales Training Model outlined below.

                                    SEVEN-STEP SALES TRAINING MODEL

1.   Explain. Tell Salespeople what will be covered, how it is to be done and why.

2.   Ask. Have them describe their understanding of what will be covered.  Remember, if they   can’t tell you, they don’t know.

3.   Demonstrate. Provide a “model” showing proper technique.

4.   Observe. Allow them to try out the same behavior (either in a simulated or real situation.

5.   Feedback. Give them meaningful feedback to reinforce the positive and identify areas they need further improvement.

6.   Plan. Engage them in a planning process that outlines the specifics of how and when they will practice and apply the new behaviors.

7.   Follow-up. Always review the results of their development activities.  Use the Results to adjust future training activities.

These guidelines are simple, practical and proven. Make sure that you incorporate them into your sales training efforts. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how your salespeople respond and more importantly how they perform.